Inspiring Older Readers
We Think The World of You posted on 25 Jan 2021
Ackerley, who died in 1967, built his reputation in the literary world as the editor of The Listener magazine for over two decades.
Voices on the Green posted on 22 Jan 2021
In 1944 as the Second World War was still raging, the editors of this anthology decided the time was ripe for a fund-raising project...
Modernists & Mavericks: Bacon, Freud, Hockney & the London Painters posted on 18 Jan 2021
Guest reviewer, Alun Severn reads Martin Gayford's masterly assessment of the London art scene of the 20th century.
The Broken Root posted on 15 Jan 2021
Spanish journalist, Arturo Barea was a Republican sympathiser who found himself in self-imposed exile after the Franco regime seized power..
The Voice posted on 08 Jan 2021
When Gabriel Okara died in 2019, his obituaries talked of him in terms of being the single most important writer on the modern Nigerian literary scene
A Private Cathedral posted on 21 Dec 2020
Despite the author’s advancing age and rumours that each novel will be his last, there actually seems to be no sign that his creative juices are drying up
The Hair-Carpet Weavers posted on 16 Dec 2020
Guest reviewer, Alun Severn steps out of his normal reading comfort zone to give Andreas Eschbach's science fiction epic a chance.
1934 posted on 13 Dec 2020
Moravia (1907 – 1990) was one of Italy’s most prolific and widely translated 20th century authors – and one of the most politically committed.
Selected Short Stories posted on 10 Dec 2020
In many ways, British born short story writer, William Wymark (W.W.) Jacobs is the epitome of the forgotten author.
The Lunatic at Large posted on 07 Dec 2020
(Joe) Clouston (1870 – 1944) was the son of a clinical psychiatrist and part of a long linage that had its roots in Orkney