What will we find when the ice-caps melt?

Antonia Maxwell’s Terra Electrica: The Guardians of the North is a story about how a young girl faces a dystopian future and emerges as a potential saviour of humanity. 

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A new James Lee Burke: triumph or misstep?

Clete by James Lee Burke – the 24th instalment in his Robicheaux series - marks something of a departure from the formula we’ve all become accustomed to.

You can read the full review by clicking on the link below.

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Coping with fierce emotions

Pavlo Gets the Grumps by Natalia Shaloshvili confronts the issue of children's ever fluctuating emotions

You can read the full review by clicking on the link below




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Revisiting a Japanese master

The House of the Sleeping Beauties by Yasunari Kawabata contains an extended short story / novella that provides the title of the volume and two shorter stories – One Arm and Of Birds and Beasts – which make up the collection.

Click on the link below to read the full review

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An Exclusive Interview with Michelle Maiden

We are delighted to present an exclusive interview with author/illustrator, Michelle Maiden. Michelle grew up in Queens, New York in a creative and ethnically diverse household, her mother a Japanese artist and her father a Jewish American poet. Grandpa Kuma, published by Wacky Bee Books, is her first children's picture book.

Read what she had to tell us by clicking on the link below




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