Inspiring Older Readers
The Man in the Red Coat posted on 27 Oct 2020
Guest writer, Alun Severn reads Julian Barnes' 'The Man in the Red Coat' and finds the author showing off his intellectual prowess to no good purpose.
Double, Double posted on 22 Oct 2020
John Brunner John Brunner (1934 – 1995) is something of a lost figure of British science fiction..
The Waters of Kronos posted on 20 Oct 2020
This comparatively short novel, which was published in 1960, won the National Book Award for Fiction in the States the following year.
Wartime Lies posted on 16 Oct 2020
Guest reviewer Alun Severn reads Louis Begley's novel that tells the wartime story of a child who witnessed the hell of the Holocaust.
Great Demon Kings: A Memoir of Poetry, Sex, Art, Death, and Enlightenment posted on 13 Oct 2020
“Great demon kings are people controlled by their big egos, but sometimes their egos inspire them to aspire to realise the empty true nature of mind"
The Shining Levels posted on 09 Oct 2020
Guest reviewer, Alun Severn reads John Wyatt's 'early foray into the (nature writing) genre' and finds it 'light, playful and funny, full of enjoyment.'
Piercing posted on 06 Oct 2020
In the still of night Kawashima stands over the cot of his baby daughter and watches while his wife sleeps nearby in their bed.
The Bookseller’s Tale posted on 03 Oct 2020
I picked this book up fully expecting it to be another of those sardonic, tongue-in-cheek memoirs by a hoary old hand in the bookselling business.
The Wall Jumper posted on 01 Oct 2020
Guest reviewer, Alun Severn reads Peter Schneider's "curiously European thing, a not-quite-novel" written seven years before the fall of the Berlin wall.
Hamnet posted on 28 Sep 2020
The details of the life of William Shakespeare and his family are so thinly documented that they provide plenty of potential for a novelist to embroider