Who we are


The project is run by a Management Committee that operates in line with the written constitution. For day-to-day management and development there is a Project Director who makes quarterly reports to the Committee and can take advice from them on an as-and-when-needed basis.

The Management Committee is made up as follows:

  Karen Argent  ( Project Director and Secretary to the Committee)

  Chris Collett 

  Gill McGillivray ( Treasurer)

  Brian Homer 

  Terry Potter (Chair)

  Davina Goodchild

  Mark Cronin



Jane Slowey 2015 - 2017

The Letterpress Management Committee owes much to one of its founder members, Jane Slowey CBE who sadly died in 2017. She was involved with Letterpress from the very outset and was always one of it's most effective champions. Her love of books and the pleasure she got from them was always obvious and endearing and she had many plans for the future that were unfortunately never realised.

The many tributes that have been paid to Jane focus on her ability to inspire those she came into contact with. In recognition of this her name will continue to be part of the Letterpress story. 




The Management Committee is elected on an annual basis at the project's AGM.

Note: All reviews and articles that appear on this site and on Facebook are the views of the individual author and do not necessarily reflect views and opinions of the members of the commitee or the project.