Inspiring Older Readers
Classic Covers: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley posted on 22 Dec 2018
Huxley’s novel of a future dystopia seems to especially attract book designers and book jacket artists ...
Charity Bookshops: what are they for? posted on 03 Dec 2018
You may be scratching your head and wondering why on earth I should ask such an obvious question.
Poem in October posted on 18 Nov 2018
I still receive the alumnus magazine from Bangor University – somehow they’ve always managed to track me down
Classic Covers: Denis Piper’s artwork for George Orwell’s novels posted on 14 Nov 2018
At the end of the 1950s and into the early 1960s, Secker and Warburg printed a new edition of George Orwell’s novels...
Why I love libraries….even though my relationship with them has been a difficult one posted on 02 Nov 2018
Let me start by saying that I love libraries and everything they stand for...
Children’s books and the adult reader posted on 26 Oct 2018
During this year’s Cheltenham Literary Festival I went along to hear the great children’s book author and illustrator, Helen Oxenbury
Reading anything is better than reading nothing. But is that true? posted on 12 Oct 2018
It’s the start of another university academic year and I’ve got used to asking the new first years a couple of very basic questions...
Rereading the Great War posted on 01 Oct 2018
As we are fast approaching the 100 year anniversary of the ending of WW1, guest reviewer, Alun Severn looks back at some of the literature it produced.
Classic Covers: The Grapes of Wrath posted on 18 Sep 2018
The dust jacket produced for John Steinbeck’s 1939 classic, The Grapes of Wrath is one of those that can claim to be almost as admired as the book itself.
Grief is the thing… posted on 16 Sep 2018
Guest writer, Alun Severn reads two books that mine the difficult subject of grief and finds "both are books that will burn brightly in your imagination"