Inspiring Older Readers
Spring Cleaning posted on 15 May 2016
Back in February the 'Clear Out Your Bookcase' campaign caught my eye but I was so deep in Winter gloom that I didn't really take too much notice
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man posted on 12 May 2016
A guest review from Alun Severn in which he reassesses Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - and finds he has some issues with it.
Draycott Books, Chipping Camden posted on 09 May 2016
Draycott Books really feels like the archetypal traditional second-hand bookshop.
The Dumas Club posted on 08 May 2016
I wonder how many people who are familiar with the Johnny Depp / Roman Polanski movie collaboration called The Ninth Gate...
A Festival of Books, Chipping Camden posted on 08 May 2016
A Festival of Books is a specialist independent children's bookshop tucked away in the chocolate-box-pretty town of Chipping Camden
Stuart: A life backwards posted on 04 May 2016
I first read Stuart : A Life Backwards in 2005 when it was first published and it has stuck with me ever since.
The Red Hourglass posted on 04 May 2016
A guest review from Alun Severn that takes a look at a book that redefines the phrase 'red in tooth and claw'
Werner Bischof posted on 01 May 2016
I feel slightly shamefaced in admitting that I knew hardly anything about Werner Bischof before I picked up this Thames and Hudson collection
Love Lies Bleeding posted on 01 May 2016
When I first encountered the novels of Edmund Crispin I just couldn't get enough of them.
Kith: The Riddle of the Childscape posted on 28 Apr 2016
Occasionally there are books which you feel obliged to read for professional reasons but which break the bounds of the mundane