Inspiring Older Readers

Letterpress @ Exeter College, Exeter
Karen Argent, the Letterpress Project Director, took a wide selection of picture books to show to students in their first year Level 3 Childcare course at Exeter College. She talked about the importance of using and enjoying these with babies and children of all ages. Too often it seems that picture books are seen as being less important than books with text, particularly in some schools. and this was discussed in some depth. They also looked at how picture books developed imagination, language, an understanding of identity and visual literacy as well as building an understanding of identity, diverse families and circumstances plus empathy.
One team in the picture book quiz showed off some impressive knowledge and named several illustrators and so deserved the hard won prize, a packet of wafer biscuits. Picture books are of course not just for younger children but for older readers too and so all the students enjoyed taking time to listen to the wonderful ' Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon' by Mini Grey.
It was very encouraging to see the keen interest and enthusiasm for picture books from this group of students who will one day be working to share a passion for books with children, their families and other practitioners.
Karen Argent
June 2016