Inspiring Older Readers
Crystal Spirit posted on 02 Aug 2015
Crystal Spirit by Roger Granelli It’s not really surprising to find that a novel about International Brigade volunteers in the Spanish Civil War is...
The Children Act posted on 31 Jul 2015
Ethical dilemmas dominate in Ian McEwan’s latest novel, 'The Children Act' How does a judge in the Family Division of the High Court protect the interests.
Owen Jones takes on 'The Establishment' posted on 31 Jul 2015
Owen Jones takes on 'The Establishment' In a world of cynical old hacks, right-wing evangelists, born-again neoliberals and old fashioned bigots ...
H is for Hawk : Helen Macdonald’s story of personal tragedy, depression and obsession takes flight posted on 31 Jul 2015
H is for Hawk : Helen Macdonald’s story of personal tragedy, depression and obsession takes flight This is a book of layers and all of them are fascinating
The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend posted on 31 Jul 2015
The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katerina Bivald I haven't really looked but I'm willing to place a sizeable bet that reviews ....
The Dust that falls from Dreams posted on 31 Jul 2015
The Dust that falls from Dreams by Louis de Bernieres I absolutely loathed 'Captain Corelli's Mandolin' which, unlike most people, I found to be tedious ..
Domestic Relations posted on 31 Jul 2015
Domestic Relations by Frank O'Connor Try as I might, I find it hard to warm to short stories. That's not to say that I never read them or dislike them all.
How To Be Both posted on 31 Jul 2015
How To Be Both by Ali Smith Ali Smith's reputation as a novelist continues to grow. She is one of those rare writers who seems to be able to blend ...
On Queer Street: A Social History of British Homosexuality, 1895-1995 posted on 26 Jul 2015
You know what it’s like. You go out, you buy a book and you add it to your pile marked ‘to be read’. And then, sometimes, you just don’t get around...