Inspiring Older Readers
We are all completely beside ourselves posted on 29 Oct 2015
This is a story about a very unusual American childhood in which Rosemary appears to be the only surviving sibling of an unconventional family.
Careless People posted on 20 Oct 2015
By the time I'd finished reading this book I really couldn't answer a fundamental question..........
Urban Grimshaw and the Shed Crew posted on 18 Oct 2015
This is not an easy read but it is a powerful one. A mix of ethnographic study and gut-wrenching memoir,
The Prison Book Club posted on 18 Oct 2015
Walmsley is a Canadian journalist who spent some time living in London and, during her stay, found herself the victim...
The Blue Guitar posted on 16 Oct 2015
I always find that reading a book whose main characters are almost all hateful a slightly alienating experience...
Sentenced to Life posted on 07 Oct 2015
I’ve always struggled with Clive James. To be honest I always found myself irritated by his bluff smugness...
Purity posted on 04 Oct 2015
I have to admit it - I failed. 200 and something pages into this 560 slab I just had to give up..........
Dazzling Stranger : Bert Jansch and the British folk and blues revival posted on 01 Oct 2015
There’s something genuinely affecting about witnessing the passing of the generation of musicians I grew up listening to
The People posted on 29 Sep 2015
I have had a long term interest in the history of what might be called ‘working class studies’ and I’m always intrigued...
Capital posted on 26 Sep 2015
This is a good meaty read with a satisfyingly varied cast of characters who all live in the same London road.