Inspiring Young Readers

The Faerie Isle: Tales and Traditions of Ireland’s Forgotten Folklore by Sine Quinn, illustrated by Dermot Flynn
The largely unseen other world of Faerie and the supernatural are a deeply embedded and important part of Ireland’s culture. But just how much do we now know about this hidden other world given that we grow up fed by stories from television and cinema rather than from the old oral traditions that passed on the wisdom learned from interaction with Faerie-folk?
This beautifully illustrated and presented new book from Sine Quinn and Dermot Flynn takes us deep into the Faerie kingdom and introduces us to the key figures. And, just as a word of warning, I should probably point out that by starting this review in the way I have has probably got me on the wrong side of a legion of Irish faeries:
“According to many sources across folklore, Irish faeries object to being referred to as ‘faeries’, so are commonly called the ‘good people’ or ‘good folk’. You never know when they may be listening, so it’s always recommended to refer to them by their chosen name…and to keep whatever you say complimentary!”
Well I might have used the ‘faerie’ word too often already but at least I can fulfil the second half of the advice because I can be very complimentary about the rest of the book.
What the author does is introduce us to the key characters that make up the faerie world - some of which will be familiar (at least by name) while others will be new to you. So expect to encounter Mermaids, Leprechauns, Giants and Banshees but also The Charmer, Pooka, Shapeshifter. For you animal lovers, there’s also the Faerie Cat and Dog.
All the characters get their own page explaining who or what they are and what they are reputed to do and this is then followed immediately by a short story or folktale showing the sort of things they get up to.
The book retains a dark and mysterious design that Dermot Flynn’s superb illustrations help to create - his use of a dark colour palette shot through with rich gold or glowing colour enhancements gives the pages a suitably spooky feel.
This book will enchant adults as much as children and makes an ideal gateway into Irish myth. Available now from Walker Books, you will be able to get a copy from your local independent bookshop - who will be happy to order it for you if they don’t have copies on the shelf.
Terry Potter
November 2024