Inspiring Young Readers

How the Penguin Became Part of Team Santa by Lady Lousvet
There are plenty of children’s books about Christmas that feature penguins but I must admit that I have never questioned why these little birds from the South Pole should be part of a traditional story set in the North Pole, where Santa Claus makes his home. This intriguing picture book, originally written for the penguin-loving author for her penguin-loving partner to read aloud to the grandchildren, sets out to explain the mystery.
The story points out that these non-flying birds are not obviously suited for helping out with pulling a sleigh, wrapping presents or icing gingerbread. I can imagine that small children will eagerly suggest other reasons why they might not be the best choice for Santa. Apparently, he encounters them on the tiny islands of Chatham and Pitt, southeast of New Zealand. This is where his busy Christmas Eve always begins because it is forty-five minutes ahead of anywhere else in the world.
This is also the place where the Little Blue Fairy Penguin lives and they are delighted to have a visit from such a famous character who is always happy to spread good cheer. One memorable year, Santa has a terrible cold which causes him to sneeze and drip snot from his red nose – how could he possibly carry out his visits into children’s bedrooms without waking them up?
The excited penguins decide to help him out if he drives the sleigh ‘wrapped up warm and snug’. Using coloured balloons and parachutes they are able to drop off all the presents to the right houses across the world, until they make the last calls to American Samoa. As a reward for their hard work, Santa reserves one place for a Little Blue Fairy Penguin from Chatham and Pitt to be part of his team every year.
This enjoyable book is published by Austin Macauley and should be available from your local independent bookshop- who will happily order if for you if not already on their shelves.
Karen Argent
November 2024