Inspiring Young Readers

Grotti by Leonie Lord
Who or what, you might reasonably ask, is Grotti? Well, author and illustrator, Leonie Lord tells us that ‘He’s the sweetest and snottiest baby around!’.
In a hollow in a tangled wood, a knight (who looks a lot like Noggin the Nog of Oliver Postgate fame) stumbles on ‘something green, something grotti’.
Grotti, small green and unnerving like a pile of garden peas with big eyes and snub nose, is lost and he’s determined to attach himself to our knight. However cute Gritti might seem, the knight is a reluctant saviour:
“I’ve got beasts to battle, and kingdoms to defend…”
But the knight has a soft heart and as Grotti continues to follow him wherever he goes, something has to be done. His first decision is to get himself a pushchair to make the going easier and a trade with the Bodge Trolls secures Grotti a ride at the expense of the knight’s shield.
The next trade is with the Scrap-Dragon: his helmet for a sandwich toaster to keep the pangs of Grotti’s hunger at bay. Then his sword is exchanged, for an old sock that will act as Grotti’s coat, with a nameless hairy monster.
The knight spends the night telling stories of his past deeds and his bravery but he gets the distinct impression that Grotti’s not really listening. Is there something wrong with the little creature?
There sure is. Next morning a sneeze unleashes a cascade of green snot from the little creature and there’s not a tissue to be found anywhere.
Fortunately though, it seems that Grotti knows now where home is and the two new friends head off to find his parents. But will our gallant knight be able to say farewell to his new little friend?
New parents will immediately recognise that this is really a story about the way new babies become part of our lives. You’ll recognise the trust and unconditional love – and the snot – that comes with it.
Available now from Walker Books, you’ll be able to get a copy from your local independent bookshop – who will be happy to order you one if they don’t have it on their shelves.
Terry Potter
June 2024