Inspiring Young Readers

When Saturday Comes by Tony Bradman, illustrated by Tania Rex
The always excellent Tony Bradman (see our exclusive interview with him here) is back with a story that highlights a dilemma that will be all too familiar for some of the younger readers this book is aimed at.
Daniel has discovered the pleasures of football – and, it turns out, he’s pretty good at it. He’s got himself selected as the key striker for his school team and all week he waits for the practices – but it’s match day on Saturday that he really loves. Football has also provided him with his very best friend, Ethan, who is a talented midfielder and also an important member of the team.
But there’s a cloud on the horizon because his home life isn’t as settled as his football life. His mom and dad have split up acrimoniously and Daniel hasn’t seen his dad for a while because he’s gone abroad to find work. And then, out of the blue, his dad is coming back and wants to spend some time with his son – but, disaster of disasters, the only time he can be with him is Saturday when Daniel should be playing football.
Tony Badman brilliantly evokes the conflict Daniel feels about this news. He wants to see his dad of course but he also desperately wants to continue with football. He’s being forced to let someone down – will it be his dad or will it be football?
I hope I’m not giving too much away if I say that Daniel reluctantly decides he has to be loyal to his dad – but there are consequences. Ethan feels betrayed, that Daniel is abandoning the football team and a friendship is put in peril. And could it be that Daniel’s dad is putting too much emotional pressure on his son?
Well, I’m really not going to say any more because I want you to read the book for yourself. It’s a story that will be full of very real dilemmas for many children who have a parent living away from them and it’s good to read a story in which the consequences are presented so sympathetically whilst at the same time illustrating that there aren’t simple answers.
The book has black and white illustrations by Tania Rex – some of which are full page and plenty of half page ones throughout the book. Published by Barrington Stoke, who specialise in books that are written for and meant to appeal to younger readers (this one is guided for a reading age of 8 and above) who are reluctant readers for one reason or another, the book is available in May.
You will be able to get a copy from your local independent bookshop – who will be happy to order it for you if they don’t have it on their shelves.
Terry Potter
May 2024