Inspiring Young Readers

Captivating Kelp Forests by Emma Rosen, illustrated by Rhiannon Thomas
I need to put my hand up to knowing almost nothing about this fascinating subject and so was keen to find out why we all need to know more about these fragile underwater forests. This is the second book in the Discovering Marine and Coastal Habitats for children, sponsored by Natural England. Both the author and illustrator are clearly passionate about the natural environment and determined to inform and inspire young readers.
The cover of the book is suffused with a gorgeous turquoise-coloured sea with a seal diving down towards the swaying kelp. The sparse but evocative text helps to cast an immediate spell over the reader:
‘Imagine that you’re floating
On a current in the sea.
Swaying underneath you
There’s a forest of tall leaves.’
I liked the way that each facing page of illustration bleeds right to the edges with strong colour. There is precise botanical detail alongside a variety of fish, eels, baby cuttlefish and other creatures that make up the busy population of the sea floor. There is a strong message about the complicated interdependence of all this life:
‘Mats of bryozoans
Live on kelp’s enormous blades,
And, clinging to the seaweed,
Little blue-rayed limpets graze.’
Once bewitched by the beauty of this world, the reader is startled to see a picture that shows the impact of litter on kelp. Nevertheless, we are reassured to learn that scientists are working hard to protect these sites and to be invited to play our part.
Now I am more aware of this precious part of the environment, I will recommend this book to be used in schools as a starting point for further research and imaginative artwork.
This interesting picture book is published Sartain Publishing and you will be able to get a copy from your local independent bookshop - who will be happy to order it for you if they don’t have one on their shelves. Alternatively, you can order a copy direct from or
It is certainly a ‘captivating’ read and therefore strongly recommended.
Karen Argent
February 2024