Inspiring Young Readers

Talented Children Draw Jack and the Bear Who Hates Egg Sandwiches
I have loved reading Julie Fulton's picture book, Bears Don't Eat Egg Sandwiches ever since I was sent a review copy several years ago. It is the perfect read-aloud text with suspense, humour and repetition as well as being a tiny bit scary for younger children.
I recently shared it with Year One and Year Two children at Northleigh Primary School in Malvern. They sat transfixed, anticipating what might come on the turn of the page and joined in with enthusiasm in all the right places.
I left the book with the teacher for a few days so that they could spend some time looking more closely at the pictures and re reading the story at their leisure.
I was delighted to see how some had been inspired to draw their own versions of the book cover. Take a look at their impressive drawings in the gallery below.
Karen Argent
February 2024