Inspiring Young Readers

The Singing Bear by Amy Sparkes, illustrated by Katie Hickey
Back in March of this year we reviewed the first of The Repair Shop stories, The Toy Bus, by the same team of Amy Sparkes and Katie Hickey. The Singing Bear follows the same format and is, of course, based on the successful television programme that features brilliant craftspeople resurrecting cherished artifacts, toys, clocks, textiles and pretty much anything that is precious to the people who visit The Repair Shop.
This visit starts with Kwai, her sister, Anne, and her niece, Lucy, turning up to meet Jay Blades (who is the kindly face of the Shop) and delivering a small plush bear that Kwai explains is called ‘Singing Ted’, a special toy with a very special back-story.
Kwai’s sister, Anne, tells the story of how Ted arrived in their family and became the key artefact that help Kwai settle with her new adoptive family. Anne had always wanted a sister and was beside herself with excitement when she knew that her wish was coming true and that her new sister was arriving from Hong Kong to live with them.
But, at first, Kwai seems to be unhappy in her new house with her new sister, so Anne and her parents take a trip to the local toy shop and find this beautiful teddy bear that was a perfect present for Kwai:
“As soon as we entered the shop, I spotted the most wonderful bear. It was perfect for Kwai.”
And the most special feature was the key that could be turned to make the bear move its head and play a lullaby. Anne was right – it was perfect. And from the moment she gave it to Kwai, the bar went everywhere with them and the frightened little girl found herself part of a real family.
But it was so loved and so much part of every adventure that its fur is threadbare and the singing has stopped. Can the Repair Shop specialists bring it back to life?
So, it’s over to Steve to fix the clockwork mechanism; on to David to sort out the broken music box; and, Julie and Amanda to clean and tidy the fur.
And you can guess the outcome but you’ll enjoy following the experts as they return the bear to its delighted owner.
As with the first book in the series, the story ends with ‘the true story of the Singing Bear’ and a brief introduction to the real experts who did the restoration.
The book is heartwarming, generously sized and illustrated and reflects the vibe of the television programme perfectly. It is published by Walker Books and can be purchased from your local independent bookshop – who will be happy to order it for you if they don’t have copies on the shelf.
Terry Potter
December 2023