Inspiring Young Readers

Vlad the Fabulous Vampire by Flavia Z. Drago
As we head towards another Halloween, there will be plenty of moms, dads and excited children telling stories about ghouls, ghosts, monsters, zombies and, of course, vampires. We all know that the terrifying vampire who comes to suck our blood in the night shadows is the scariest of them all – well, it was until along came Vlad, the fabulous vampire.
Vladislav Varnaby Roland Dragul IV has a passion for fashion. But although he conforms and dresses in black like all the rest of his vampire friends, unlike his friends he does it because he’s hiding a humiliating secret:
“Vlad had rosy pink cheeks! They made him look different from everyone – so horribly alive!”
His clothes are boring because he longs to be just like everyone else and he’s thoroughly miserable at the idea of people finding out he’s different. In a moment of inspiration, he decides he can make better use of his eye for fashion and sets out to design his own new line of clothing that will disguise his differences. All to no avail:
“But sooner rather than later, Vlad had a new realization. Even with the most splendid black garments and sophisticated style, he would never be able to hide who he truly was.”
He’d just concluded he was better off living his life alone when he came across his vampire friend, Shelley, having a problem with a little troll pulling at her bat hat. Suddenly the hat flies off and – horror of horrors – Shelley had a great mop of pink hair – exactly the same colour as Vlad’s rosy cheeks.
Suddenly they both realise they are not alone and no longer need to hide their real selves. Together they can make a new ‘normal’ and face the world with confidence. They cast off the black and embrace their inner pink.
“Of course, there were lots of times when Vlad felt insecure. But when he did, there was always someone he could count on. He felt safe, loved and free!”
And what is this story’s final message?
“…you might just say that there is a little bit of Vlad in all of us.”
As you might have guessed by now, this isn’t a very scary vampire story – no blood or frightening bats – but a rather gentle story about liberating your real identity and realising that there are other people out there like you, even if you don’t always see them at first glance.
Born in Mexico, author-illustrator Flavia Z. Drago has worked and studied in several different countries and graduated with an MA in illustration from Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge. Her books are hugely colourful and flamboyant and on her website she describes her style in this way:
“I consider myself a versatile illustrator who likes to work in all kinds of projects like: children's books, branding, packaging, advertising, fashion, apps, lettering or character design. I love colour, textures and shapes and enjoy creating them with different materials and a bit of digital sorcery.”
Available now from Walker Books, you will be able to get a copy from your local independent bookshop – who will be glad to order you a copy if they don’t have it on the shelf.
Terry Potter
October 2023