Inspiring Young Readers

Mermedusa by Thomas Taylor
Thomas Taylor’s Mermedusa is the fifth and final instalment of the Eerie-on-Sea series which started in 2019 with Malamander. You might think that this book isn’t for you if you haven’t read any of the previous books but be reassured – there’s a delightful guide to Eerie-on-Sea’s key institutions in the back of the book and the adventure can be enjoyed easily in its own right. I would guess, however, that if you do pick this up without having read the others, you’ll soon be on the trail of what’s gone before.
Because this is the final book in the series, you won’t be surprised to find that the two central characters, Violet Parma and Herbert (Herbie) Lemon are finally seeking to discover the events of their mysterious pasts. Both Violet and Herbert are the custodians of the Lost and Foundery at the Grand Nautilus Hotel. Much to their disgruntlement they discover that the reputation of Eerie-on-Sea has spread wide enough to attract some unwanted visitors – the creators of the Anomalous Phenomena podcast.
But, it seems, the arrival of the podcasters is not entirely coincidental because it’s evident that something’s afoot in Eerie. Herbie is having disturbing dreams and there’s a very strange hum – an Eerie Hum – that is in the air. Night-time becomes the setting for some terrifying encounters.
And then there’s the villain of the piece, Sebastian Eels who seems to be behind most of the bad things happening in the town. But what’s his role and whatever happened to his mysterious sister?
I don’t want to unwind too much of the plot because that would be a spoiler for any future readers but hang on to your hat because the fearsome Malamander makes a reappearance and the Mermedusa makes its debut. For Violet and Herbie there are finally some answers and for Sebastian Eels it’s time to face a comeuppance.
One of the joys of the book is undoubtedly the range of oddball characters that live in Eerie. Kate Heap witing on the Scope for the Imagination website sums them up perfectly:
“Unforgettable characters including Erwin the talking cat, Clermit the clockwork crab, Jenny Hanniver with the Mermonkey, Wendy Fossil searching for treasures on the beach, Lady Kraken the eccentric hotel owner, and even Mr Mollusc the grumpy hotel manager each have their time to shine as they play a key role in the future of the town and care for Herbie and Violet.”
This is a book – and a series – that will appeal to readers aged 10+ who love to mix high octane adventure with fantasy. Available from Walker Books you will be able to get a copy from your local independent bookshop – who will be happy to order it for you if they don’t have it on their shelves.
Terry Potter
September 2023