Inspiring Young Readers

Skywake Endgame by Jamie Russell
I came to this book with a touch of trepidation because it’s the final book in a trilogy and I hadn’t read the other two. But I needn’t have worried because Jamie Russell gives us a few pages of story update at the beginning and we go straight into the action knowing enough to slip into the story almost seamlessly.
Skywake is the name of a computer game that has been used by an alien race of baddies known as the Arcturians (aka the Red Eyes) to covertly train Earth’s youngsters to fight in a war taking place on a distant planet. The Red Eyes are locked in a life or death battle with the Bactu (aka the Squids) who are trying to defend an artefact called the psionic array which, if found, would make the Red Eyes masters of the universe.
It turns out that a small group of Earth teenagers led by Casey discover that the array is in fact hidden on Earth and they and the Red Eyes head off to find it. Two of Casey’s group – her brother, Tom and Xander – throw in their lot with the Red Eyes but Casey and the others side with the Squids and Casey is given some of their telepathic powers to help her.
When Endgame starts, we discover that the Red Eyes have beaten Casey back to Earth by four years and have enslaved and laid waste to much of the planet. The only resistance to the Red Eye occupation is a small group of ill-organised fighters who are slowly being overwhelmed.
Tom has become one of the key scientific advisors in the Red Eye’s search for the array and their propaganda machine is being run by Xander. Casey can hardly believe that her brother has been such a traitor to her fellow Earthlings and is resolved to thwart the Red Eye quest for domination.
Will Casey’s enhanced powers be enough to stand against such a powerful adversary? What can the Resistance do to turn things around? Will Casey’s brother Tom turn out to be the cowardly traitor she fears he’s become?
Well, I’m not telling you the answer to any of these questions because you’ll need to find out for yourself. The story is breathless and action-packed and will keep you turning the page even when you know you should stop to get your breath.
It’s a book full of thrills even if you haven’t read the first two instalments and it will send you off to get the others in the series to fill in the background.
Published by Walker Books, you can get this from your local independent bookshop – who will be happy to order it for you if they don’t have it on their shelves.
Terry Potter
August 2023