Inspiring Young Readers

How To Get Home by Naomi Adeoya (aged 8)
Chapter One
One rainy, dark day an 8 year old girl called Naomi was watching The Cuphead Show. But suddenly the TV show stopped. It nearly gave Naomi a heart attack! She couldn’t see a thing but in the speed of a blink on went a candle. She had heard the flick of a match striking fire for the candle so they could see. Naomi ran to her dad and mum as she screamed in terror shock and what she said was “ Where are the candles?” Mum replied “ I know they are in the conservatory somewhere”.
“Ok” replied Naomi. She runs to her room to light the candle, she feels the cold so she gets into her onesie but when she opens the cupboard she gets sucked in.
Chapter Two
Naomi finds herself in a world, a magical one made of petals and sunshine and she starts to wonder where she is. Then she sees a moving finger surrounded by petals so she bravely moves towards the moving figure..
Chapter Three
The Moving Finger
As Naomi gets closer and closer the moving finger got further and further away so Naomi ran after it and after it, but still she couldn’t catch it. But suddenly it stopped as it had frozen. Naomi went carefully over to it and she saw it. It was something she had never seen before - it looked like some kind of alien from Mars or something.
Chapter Four
The Alien
As Naomi got closer and closer the alien got stiller and still Naomi finally saw the alien’s face. It was green, slimy, gross and in a way annoying.
Chapter Five
The Lair
Naomi starts to feel the ground moving. At first she thinks its an earthquake so she decides to hide under a table with her eyes closed. But when she opens them she finds herself in some sort of cage with a lock on.
“Where am I?” wonders Naomi.
“Well you are in our lair madam but this is the waiting room”
“For what?" Naomi asked
“To be executed of course”.
Naomi looked around but she could not see anyone
“Down here! Arrrrrrrrrgh”
“Who are you?"
“ I am your executioner.”
Chapter six
The Executer
“What do you mean you are going to execute me” pleaded Naomi, “ and why?"
“Doesn’t matter” hesitated the alien “ you have the right to remain silent”.
Chapter seven
Naomi sat back at the wall and wondered how would she get home and can she not have a last hug from her mum or dad or even a last meal?
Chapter eight
Out of the waiting line
As Naomi wondered about her mum and dad she said to herself “ This won’t do anything for me. I need to to try to get out of this lock”!
As Naomi wondered how to get out of the alien’s lair she heard one of the aliens shout and then she realised she was next in the line to be executed. Naomi panicked as hard as she could. What? It helped helped her get the idea of how to get out.
Chapter nine
Next in line
As Naomi panicked she realised she was going to be transferred into the room. And then she felt her cage starting to lift off the ground. She took a deep breath with her eyes closed…
Chapter ten
The fight with the executer
Naomi had decided she was going to fight the executer and escape so she scrunched up her eyes and waited …
Chapter eleven
Fighting time
When Naomi opened her eyes she saw a red and black face and she realised it was time to be executed …. Naomi stared at the alien thing and then she said to it “ Are you my executer?”
“ Well I am terribly sorry that there’s bits of mouldy brain and splashes of blood - I have just eaten my dinner” said the alien in a very croaky voice like a toad.
Chapter twelve
A messy one
Naomi heard a voice “ Begin in 3,2,1,0 NOW!”
She got into stance for the alien as he got out his axe. It had blood and human flesh dripping and falling off the end of it from the other people in the waiting line and then she saw pointy sharp things on wood and she realised they were spears.
“That’s not fair !“
Chapter Thirteen
An alien army
As Naomi got closer and closer she started to see more black and red faces and she realised that the alien had an army
“That’s not fair!" accused Naomi “ They get an army and I don’t”
“What - you don’t have an army?” questioned the alien.
“No” replied Naomi
Chapter Fourteen
No army
She heard the voice again
“ Begin now!” screams the alien. There was a long silence then K- ching the alien swung but he missed. Naomi punched a kick towards the alien, she hit him, he swung back and Naomi fell to the ground. She felt weak.
“ So you want to fight ha? Well I’m sorry time’s up. Next please”. said security.
Chapter Fourteen
Help that person
Naomi is told to get back in her cage so she did. She saw the next person and as she went by she whispered “He has an army and its a big one”.
“Ok” replies the boy
“ I had better get back to my cage” said Naomi
She started to remember and think how she got here and what other people did to get out of the cage …
The End