Inspiring Young Readers

Lion and Norman Climbing the Ladder by Naomi Adeoya (aged 8)
One rainy day, Lion and Norman the bear were in the library when they saw a thing where you could pretend to work at the library and climb the library ladder. But the person that owned the library, Virginia Wolf, when she saw Lion and Norman climbing the ladder, she got very cross and kicked them off the ladder.
Lion and Norman fell to the ground, Lion broke his knee and Norman broke his hips. The caretaker called 999. As the ambulance rushed to the library, Virginia Wolf kept shouting and screaming at Lion and Norman. Other customers started to shout at Virginia as Lion and Norman were in agony! But Virginia didn’t notice – she just kept screaming.
When the ambulance got there the next- door neighbour to lion called the police to arrest Virginia straight away. When they got there, they arrested Virginia and took her to prison for 9 years. And Lion and Norman were in Maple Hospital. Lion was in Room 46 and Norman was in Room 62. Lion was very sad and so was Norman.
Lion started to cry for the second time. Norman did as well. As for Virginia in the roughest prison on earth, was eating mushy peas with mayo and could not stop vomiting away.
The next year Virginia had escaped prison and Lion and Norman were worried that she would try to rob the hospital. Virginia was caught and Lion and Norman were out of hospital and back to normal.
Naomi's original work can be viewed by clicking on the images below: