Inspiring Young Readers

An Interview with Danielle Harvey
The Letterpress Project has asked authors and illustrators to think about what has inspired them as artists, what their favourite books are and how they relate to their audience - we've also asked them if they themselves are book collectors.
We are delighted to present an exclusive interview with author, Danielle Harvey. Danielle is a Mother, Teacher of English, Motivational speaker and Best selling author of ‘Sienna Starts School.’ She has also worked in many roles within the education system and won ‘Mentor of the year award’ in 2008 for her contributions to inner city schools in Wolverhampton.
Danielle has an insatiable desire for creative writing and was inspired to write her first ever children’s book after watching the BLM protests unfold, as a result of the tragic death of George Floyd. As a teacher she has always questioned the inequality surrounding the teaching of texts in schools and how the curriculum offers very little scope for children to read diverse books.
Her debut book ‘Sienna Starts School’ is a remarkable educational tool which encapsulates inclusion and diversity to help raise discussions on the importance of family, elements of race and the struggle of inequality in schools. Danielle is also an ambassador for Marcia M Publishing House and a member of the Chartered College of Teaching.
For more about Danielle, follow her on Instagram pages @danielleharveywrites and @siennastartsschool or like her Facebook page at Danielleharvey.writes
Read what she had to tell us in her interview by clicking on the link below: