Inspiring Young Readers

Max and Xam by Ariane Hoffman-Maniyar
I wonder how many adults can remember their friends from when they were small? I know that I had plenty, but honestly, I can’t recall any names. As personalities and interests change so quickly it is unusual for children to stick with the same friends through childhood.
But, of course, friends are very important to us and keeping and losing friends when we’re young can seem like the most important thing in the world. Because of this, stories about the way even very close friends can have rocky moments will have a very specific resonance for lots of young readers.
This lively story explores the ever changing friendship between Max and Xam, next door neighbours who fall out over who is more popular.
Before this calamity they are shown happily reading books together, baking, gardening and painting – it all looks perfect. The day that ‘things went a bit wild’ they are shown opposite one another with furious expressions on their faces. Neither will back down, so life dramatically changes.
This leaves time and space for Max to make a cunning plan to replace Xam and we see him gathering an assortment of items to literally make an unusual set of new friends.
It seems that Xam has similar creative ideas and does something similar with bits and bobs he collects together.
I wonder how many young readers will be inspired to make their own collection of ‘new friends’ out of everyday household items?
But, of course, real live friends do have some advantages over those made with boxes and sticks because they can talk. A truce needs to be called and treat laden plates and flowers help to fix the rift. All is well again.
There is minimal text with plenty of powerful illustrations and I liked the underlying messages about co-operation, compromise and learning to value what is important in relationships.
Another strongly recommended treat from Childs Play ( International).
Karen Argent
December 2020