Inspiring Young Readers

Best Friends, Busy Friends by Susan Rollings, illustrated by Nichola Cowdery
In my opinion, there can never be enough picture books about the subject of friends. Having friends is probably the most important part of childhood once little ones venture outside the cosy world of home and family. But how to do it successfully is not always straightforward.
As ever, Childs Play (International) Ltd publishers can be relied on to convey strong messages about an inclusive society from the front cover onwards. This has five exuberant children moving across the page. As with all good picture books , there is also plenty to ponder over on the end papers that show a wide range of intriguing objects as conversation starters. Would you prefer to play with a robot or a scooter? Or perhaps you have played with drums or a hoop like the one in the picture? This also prompts another game as all of these objects appear in the story that follows.
The vibrant illustrations are packed with detail and I liked the strong, repetitive rhythm on every double page spread that will encourage joining in from the youngest reader:
‘Busy friends, helpful friends, time to go to school friends.’
We see the group of children moving from outside school in the playground to a spacious classroom where some are constructing a rocket from card, scissors and glue (with no obvious adult help) alongside a girl reading with concentration from a pile of books. No computer technology in sight, which might be another conversation point. Despite all this commendable creative activity, there are times when things go a bit wrong – but that’s ok too:
‘Tidy friends, messy friends, kind and very caring friends’
As the school day comes to a close we see the children enjoying a story time together before skipping happily home via the park, where we see that friends don’t necessarily have to be human. And lastly we see that friendship goes beyond school time where the final double page spread shows a fabulous birthday party celebration with adults and children surrounding a scrumptious looking birthday cake.,
This is another feel good picture book that I know will be much enjoyed by young children, parents and practitioners alike.
Strongly recommended.
Karen Argent
December 2020