Inspiring Young Readers

The Griffin Gate by Vashti Hardy
Former primary school teacher turned children’s author, Vashti Hardy makes her debut with publisher Barrington Stoke to introduce us to the Griffin family in the first of what should turn out to be a new series of fantasy adventures.
The Griffins, it transpires, are the custodians and guardians of a unique teleportation map that allows them to spot and respond to crimes committed anywhere under their jurisdiction and to send themselves bodily to where there services are required.
The youngest member of the family, Grace, is desperate to become an active ‘warden’ and get directly involved in helping to police Moreland – but her mother and her older brother think she is still too young and has more to learn before she can play her part. But Grace is determined and she’s prepared to take a risk and show everyone what she can do. When, one day, a call comes in from the map to indicate the help of a warden is needed, Grace takes the bull by the horns and leaps in.
Accompanied by Watson, her mechanical bird side-kick, Grace finds the map and transporter take her off to a remote village where the locals are reporting that their homes and businesses are being terrorised by a mysterious monster that emerges from the woods. She is intrepid in her search, pushing deep into the wood until she discovers the monster’s lair…
But all is not as it seems and there is villainy afoot. Naturally enough I’m not going to tell you anything more about the story because you’ll want to find out what’s going on for yourself. But what I can say is that it’s a tale that will captivate the most reluctant of readers.
The book has been delightfully illustrated by Natalie Smillie who brings the Griffins and their world to life with her full and part-page drawings in black, white and grey tones.
The publicity for the book refers to the adventure as ‘a steampunk, fantasy-fuelled adventure’ and I think that this is a great way of capturing the mix of old-fashioned sleuthing and high-tech machinery. This first instalment puts all the parts in place to make it an addictive series and the next book, The Puffin Portal, will be coming along soon.
Terry Potter
November 2020