Inspiring Young Readers

The Letterpress Project goes to Winton Primary School
In the week before Christmas 2019, Letterpress Project Director, Karen Argent was invited to do an event at Winton Primary School in Bournemouth. As you can see from the school blog entry, it was a great success:
"The children in Year 2 had a very special visitor Karen from the Letterpress Project – Karen brought into school an array of books all about Christmas. The books were by different authors, and were all different shapes, sizes and also different ages! Karen talked about different authors and illustrators including Eric Carle, Janet and Allan Alhberg and Raymond Briggs. The children looked at the differet types of writing styles and illustrations found in books. They had great fun choosing their favourite Christmas tree and Santa Claus illustration from a selection and then trying to work out which books they came from."
You can read the full blog and see some of the images from the day on this link.