Inspiring Young Readers

Brilliant Brains at Rufford Primary School in Stourbridge
What a pleasure it is to spend time in a school that clearly places a big emphasis on the importance of enjoying books.I had great fun sharing some of my favourite beautiful books with Year Two and Year Six children at Rufford Primary School in Stourbridge.
Both classes were were full of sparky, enthusiastic children and everyone joined in very well. The older children worked in teams to answer quiz questions about authors, illustrators and book characters throughout the session as well as writing some fine adjectives to describe their reactions to the pop- up books that I showed.
The hour passed all too quickly quickly and, if you read their positive comments, they now feel inspired to read more books as well as trying to persuade their headteacher to buy a pop- book for each classroom. I look forward to working with other classes soon.
Karen Argent
October 2019
(Click on any image below to view them in a slide show format)