Inspiring Young Readers

posted on 26 Sep 2019

How To Get Rid Of A Monster by Cameron Shepherd

New kid on the children’s book bloc, Cameron Shepherd launches his career with How To Get Rid Of A Monster published by Tiny Tree Books.

Young Errol has got himself quite a problem: wherever he goes he’s followed by a big mauve-coloured monster. He can’t do anything without the monster butting in and making his presence felt and it’s driving Errol to distraction.

Finally he decides that he’s got to do something about it and what he needs is a cunning plan. He’s willing to try anything - perhaps shouting at him will do the trick or just maybe monsters are scared of the dark? He even tries putting him in a giant parcel and mailing him away……But you’ve probably guessed by now that nothing seems to work.

But then Errol has a brainwave and he finally rumbles just what it is monsters are actually scared of. It’s………..

You didn’t really expect me to tell, did you? You’re going to have to read it yourself and discover the secret and enjoy the little twist at the end.

This book will appeal to younger children because the monster really isn’t so scary and Errol gets to resolve his problem. What will capture child and adult alike is the seemingly simple but incredibly effective illustration. The field of children’s books is crammed with illustrators who have very similar styles and when someone comes along with a very different approach it really stands out.

Shepherd comes to the world of children’s books after qualifying in zoology and working for a while at the BBC and maybe the fact that he doesn’t come through the more traditional art school route has given him a fresh eye. Whatever gave him the inspiration, I loved it.


Terry Potter

September 2019
