Inspiring Young Readers

George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl
In the story are George Kranky, Mr Killy Kranky, Mrs Kranky and Grandma.
The Grandma is a bit mean to George as she makes him feel scared, telling him things that aren’t true. George thinks he wants to trick his Grandma and decides to make some medicine. First he goes into the bathroom to get some ingredients and the second place he goes is the garage. He puts lots of different things into the potion like lipstick, animal pills, brown pain, perfume and lots of other weird things.
When he gives her the medicine she grows very big. When his Mom and Dad get home his dad goes ‘walacaboo!’ because he thinks they are going to be famous. Then they make some more medicine and test it on the chickens.
I like this story because at first you think it is going to be horrible because the Grandma is mean but then you really like it because it was funny when George gave the Grandma the medicine.
by Lily (aged 7)