Inspiring Young Readers

The Letterpress Project at The Malvern Book Co-operative : 17.2.16
Project Director, Karen Argent, spent the morning reading classic children's stories to children and parents visiting the Malvern Book Co-Operative shop on Wednesday 17th February. The event was jointly organised between the Project and the Co-Operative with a new book being read every half an hour between 10.00am and 1.00 pm.
The good old British weather didn't help the cause much - cold, grey and lashing down raindrops the size of dustbin lids. But some hardy Malvernites and their children still made the effort and were rewarded with stories told from the comfort of a cozy nook at the back of the shop amongst the children's titles.
We hope this is the start of a fruitful relationship between the two projects and keep your eyes peeled for further events in the future.