Inspiring Older Readers
We are all completely beside ourselves posted on 29 Oct 2015
This is a story about a very unusual American childhood in which Rosemary appears to be the only surviving sibling of an unconventional family.
Punk! An A - Z posted on 25 Oct 2015
In many ways this is an odd choice to make as an entry in this beautiful book section.
The pleasures of a slim volume posted on 23 Oct 2015
I wonder how many of you have looked at some of the recent new publications in bookshops and thought ‘Oh, no. Not another 600 page block-buster..
Blackwell's Bookshop, Oxford posted on 22 Oct 2015
This is a giant shop to go along with it’s giant reputation. Blackwell’s is more of an experience than a shop ....
Faust by Goethe : illustrated by Willy Pogany posted on 22 Oct 2015
This edition of Goethe's Faust, which has been translated by Abraham Hayward, is not particularly interesting in terms of the text.....
Astley Book Farm, Bedworth posted on 20 Oct 2015
Let's start with a statement of the obvious - this place is HUGE. The book farm is quite literally that - a massive book shop ho
Careless People posted on 20 Oct 2015
By the time I'd finished reading this book I really couldn't answer a fundamental question..........
Urban Grimshaw and the Shed Crew posted on 18 Oct 2015
This is not an easy read but it is a powerful one. A mix of ethnographic study and gut-wrenching memoir,
The Prison Book Club posted on 18 Oct 2015
Walmsley is a Canadian journalist who spent some time living in London and, during her stay, found herself the victim...
The Blue Guitar posted on 16 Oct 2015
I always find that reading a book whose main characters are almost all hateful a slightly alienating experience...