Inspiring Older Readers
Notes From The Sofa posted on 22 Dec 2015
This is Raymond Brigg's first new book for a decade - and it's not a children's book.
Bedsit Disco Queen posted on 21 Dec 2015
The emergence of punk in 1976 changed the world for lots of unlikely people.
1966 posted on 20 Dec 2015
Jon Savage’s mighty new book, 1966, confirms him as one of the premier documenters and analysts of twentieth century popular culture.
Books make the perfect gift? posted on 19 Dec 2015
By and large no-one who knows me would consider buying me a book as a present...
Number 11 posted on 19 Dec 2015
We have enjoyed seeing Jonathan Coe talking about his work and reading extracts from his books on several occasions...
The Letterpress Project : delighted to help with the Newman Book Bonanza posted on 17 Dec 2015
Throughout the week The Letterpress Project has been delighted to help organise and deliver the Newman University Big Book Bonanza.
Brokeback Mountain posted on 16 Dec 2015
Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx The other day when I was browsing in a charity shop I came across a US first edition of Annie Proulx’s collection of Wyo
A Different Kind of Bookshop in Brooklyn posted on 16 Dec 2015
I visited New York recently for the launch of a book that I was peripherally involved in. The book is Brooklyn: A Personal Memoir by Truman Capote with the
Silent Theater: The Art of Edward Hopper posted on 15 Dec 2015
I love Edward Hopper. He really appeals to my romantic notion of America and especially New York
High Street posted on 13 Dec 2015
What makes a book a cult object and expensively collectible? There’s no single answer to that question ...