Inspiring Older Readers
Alma Cogan posted on 05 Apr 2016
Gordon Burn died at the age of 61 in 2009, a victim of bowel cancer. His reputation within parts of the literary and artistic community...
Kafka Was the Rage posted on 03 Apr 2016
I think I discovered Anatole Broyard’s Kafka Was the Rage as a consequence of reading Philip Roth’s The Human Stain.
My Salinger Year posted on 03 Apr 2016
I've developed a completely jaundiced and probably largely unfair impression that the world of publishing relies on...
Animal Farm posted on 02 Apr 2016
Here's a a question for you: if you could bring together an author and illustrator who never met but are a perfect fit, who would you choose?
Rare Books Uncovered : True Stories of Fantastic Finds in Unlikely Places posted on 01 Apr 2016
I suspect that every book collector, whatever it is they collect, dreams of the perfect find
The Machine Stops posted on 31 Mar 2016
It would be tempting to read this short story ( it's only around 12,000 words long) as in some way prophetic
Griffin Books, Penarth posted on 31 Mar 2016
On a recent trip to Cardiff we took the local train out to the affluent seaside suburb of Penarth - and what a delightful little place it is too.
An Answer For The Waffle Waitress posted on 28 Mar 2016
The peerless American stand-up comedian Bill Hicks used to perform a routine in which he reports an encounter with a waitress
Coprophilia or A Peck of Dirt posted on 26 Mar 2016
Spend an evening watching commercial television and the advertisements will most certainly convince you that we are in a war
The Year of the Runaways posted on 25 Mar 2016
Towards the end of this beautifully written but sometimes harrowing story, Narinder who is the main female character reflects, 'Who would be a man'?