Inspiring Older Readers
Jane Austen: Sorry, but I just don’t get it posted on 31 May 2017
My time at university as an English Literature undergraduate student now feels so distant that I don’t have many memories I can wholly trust
The Hay Literary Festival 29th May : witnessing something special posted on 30 May 2017
Anyone who regularly attends events at literary festivals will have become accustomed to being part of an audience ...
Ghost Milk: Calling Time on the Grand Project posted on 29 May 2017
Guest reviewer, Alun Severn reads Iain Sinclair's book that focuses on "the craven greed and vanity of ‘grand projects’ "
The Hay Literary Festival, Sunday 28th May : The day of the raconteur posted on 28 May 2017
There’s absolutely no reason to assume that your favourite writers are also good at talking about their work.
Hurry On Down posted on 27 May 2017
You’ve got to feel sorry for poor old John Wain. His reputation as a writer has metaphorically slipped down the back of the literary sofa..
After The Off posted on 25 May 2017
There’s always a risk in bringing two very different masters in their own form together ...
Evesham Festival of Words to launch festival bookshop posted on 24 May 2017
Authors will be signing books and chatting with readers as part of an Evesham festival event.
Philip Larkin, the Marvell Press and Me posted on 22 May 2017
This is one of those unexpected week-end reads – a book I’d never heard of before that I picked up on a whim ...
I really should be reading more poetry posted on 20 May 2017
When I was about 16 I started to develop the idea that I would have a career, or rather, a future in literature.
The Atmospheric Railway: new and selected stories posted on 19 May 2017
I suspect that Shena Mackay would be described as a writers writer...