Inspiring Older Readers

Naomi’s Room by Jonathan Aycliffe
Wow. Just… wow. I finished the book a few hours ago, it is past midnight and I cannot stop thinking about it. It’s no wonder, as the author, Jonathan Aycliffe, hooks you in straight away and ramps up the creepy factor with his prose. Charles and Laura Hillenbrand live in the prestigious world of Cambridge Academia. They are young, good looking, happy, in love and have been blessed with an adorable child, Naomi. They had it all. Until one day, when Charles and little Naomi went out for some shopping on Christmas Eve, only for Charles to come back alone. He had only taken her eyes off his daughter for a few seconds. At first, it is assumed that she has simply wandered off just like any curious toddler would. But as the afternoon turns into evening and then night, it is clear that something sinister has happened to Naomi.
When Charles is forced to tell his wife what has happened, you can feel his immeasurable guilt and her grief. The compassion from the manager of the store is also all too real. After Naomi’s disappearance, strange things begin to happen in their home. One of the parts that really scared me the most was the discovery of some photographs taken over a long period of time. Without going into too much detail, the story is one of a kind and, there is no padding, the pace is spot on and the characters are real and relatable. There is a perfect balance of the paranormal along with the psychological thrills. The switch between the past and the present gels so well with the story and leaves you with more questions than answers.
If you’re after a quick and satisfying read, give this book a shot. You won’t regret it. But be sure you keep the lights on when you go to sleep. This is honestly one of the creepiest books I’ve ever read. It is virtually faultless. I loved this book so much I will probably end up recommending it to every single person I know. But keep in mind; it is not for the faint hearted.
Yushra Fatima
July 2019