Inspiring Older Readers

An Interview with Joanna Harker Shaw
The Letterpress Project has asked authors and illustrators to think about what has inspired them as artists, what their favourite books are and how they relate to their audience - we've also asked them if they themselves are book collectors.
We are delighted to present an exclusive interview with the writer, illustrator and performance poet, Joanna Harker Shaw. Joanna is originally from Scotland but now based in London where she teaches literature and runs creative writing workshops for all ages. She writes poetry for children, such as The Witches of Aira Falls books, and also writes poetry for adults, and particularly for people who are technically adults but don’t feel like it yet, and aren’t sure they ever will. She is currently completing a novel on Mary and Percy Bysshe Shelley for her doctorate at St Mary’s University.
You can read her interview by clicking on this link: