Inspiring Older Readers

An Interview With Metaphrog aka Sandra Marrs and John Chalmers
The Letterpress Project has asked authors and illustrators to think about what has inspired them as artists, what their favourite books are and how they relate to their audience - we've also asked them if they themselves are book collectors.
We are delighted to present an exclusive interview with the comic and graphic novelists who work under the collective name of Metaphrog. Metaphrog are Franco-Scottish duo Sandra Marrs and John Chalmers, winners of The Sunday Herald Scottish Culture Awards 2016 Best Visual Artist. Metaphrog tirelessly promote the medium of comics and travel regularly to talk about their work. They are Patrons of Reading at Northfield Academy 2013-17, the first graphic novelists ever to fill such a role, and were Writers in Residence at the Edinburgh International Book Festival (2015).
Their current works are adaptations of fairy tales The Red Shoes and Other Tales (2015) and The Little Mermaid (2017), published by NBM/Papercutz, with support from Creative Scotland.
You can see more about Metaphrog on their website which can be accessed on this link:
You can read what they had to tell us on the link below: