Inspiring Older Readers

An Interview With P.R. Ellis
The Letterpress Project has asked authors and illustrators to think about what has inspired them as artists, what their favourite books are and how they relate to their audience - we've also asked them if they themselves are book collectors.
We are delighted to present an exclusive interview with P.R. Ellis, writer and retired science teacher. Having finally acknowledged being gender fluid, P R Ellis makes appearances as either Peter or Penny. Peter/Penny is the author of a series of novels and novellas featuring transsexual detective Jasmine Frame. The latest in the series is The Brides’ Club Murder, a classic murder mystery. He/she also writes SF/Fantasy. The trilogy centred on September Weekes, Evil Above the Stars, was a finalist in the Wishing Shelf Awards for teenage fiction in 2016. The next September novel, Cold Fire will be published in the autumn (2017) by Elsewhen Press. Peter/Penny is still interested in chemistry, particularly the history of the science and occasionally writes educational articles on the subject. He/she is attracted to clothes and make-up and is keen on classic cars, interests shared with wife, Alison. They both enjoy the countryside particularly in mid-Wales.
See P.R.'s own webpage and blogsite on this link:
You can read the full interview here: