Inspiring Older Readers

Books Afloat, Weymouth, Dorset
Although it’s only a literal stone’s throw from the railway station, because it’s not located in the town centre it would be quite easy to miss this shop – and that would be a great pity. In many ways this is a delightfully old fashioned second hand bookshop – seemingly endless corridors of books shelved on walls from floor to ceiling and, mercifully, no random piles of books on the floor preventing access to the rest of the stock.
As you will probably be able to guess, the shop has a speciality – all things nautical. If you are interested in boats, maritime history, sea-bound adventure stories or famous sea-going heroes then you’ll be in your element. This is Weymouth after all. However, for people like me who would probably do almost anything than get in a boat of any kind, there still plenty here to keep you occupied.
The shop has a big area downstairs but also has a copious upstairs space too – and it’s up there that you’ll find a great wall of modern hardback fiction. Truthfully, I didn’t see much in the way of the unusual or collectible but these are good reading copies of mainstream fiction that are well presented and well kept.
The children’s book section is downstairs near the door and – as with so many second hand book shops – rather smaller than you might expect. Again, decent if unremarkable stock at very reasonable prices.
You’ll easily be able to spend an hour or more browsing the shelves – more if you’re the sea-going type – so don’t plan to pop in on the way back to the train station or you run the risk of putting yourself under time pressure. If I were you I’d make it my first call on arrival and then you can take your time.
Terry Potter
April 2017