Inspiring Older Readers

Rossiter Books : Ross-on-Wye
Rossiter Books based in Ross-On-Wye (I understand there is another branch in Monmouth that I haven't been able to get to yet) is another one of that new breed of independent bookshop that helps bring book selling into the 21st century. It's light, clean and welcoming; the books looked positively loved and the service is excellent. I always look forward to a visit because although the shop isn't very big it is in a characterful building and the space has been well used.
It's easy to find what you're looking for and although there isn't an extensive back catalogue - space constraints prohibit this I suspect - the shop does specialise in having all the new releases that are making any sort of waves in the media. They also have a pretty good line in signed first editions of new releases - something I find personally irresistible - and they have a good eye for things which are a little bit quirky and coming from left-field.
They also host author events and book signing sessions and so they are trying to be something more than just a book shop. I like these shops that see themselves as community hubs and go out of their way to provide a reason for people to come together which goes beyond the crassly commercial.
All in all - a very nice experience. And, as a cherry on the top, the shop has a cracking logo!
Terry Potter
October 2015